


Basic Obedience

Class Sign Up |Basic Group Obedience Photos | Formal Dog Commands

** Since early 2020, we have been keeping our basic group obedience classes very small for the safety and comfort of everyone. We are allowing only 6 dogs MAXIMUM in every basic group class (and our clients are LOVING these small classes! Smaller classes provide more personal attention and additional instructional help from the instructor. They are also less stressful for the dogs.)

** Next Available Open Class Date For Registration is for: JANUARY 19, 2025
Register ASAP to reserve a spot, these will fill very quickly.

** Our Basic classes fill extremely fast, often many weeks in advance and are first come first serve. Those that complete their registrations and pay for the class early, get first dibs on class time preference once we select a new class date. We will contact those that have completed their registrations as soon as we select the next date.

If you find yourself in between classes, and currently have some behavioral issues going on with your dog that you'd like to address, we really encourage you to set up a private lesson with one of our trainers, so we can help you start resolving those issues NOW! Many of our clients do at least one private lesson before starting our basic class, so that they can be proactive and begin working on issues right away, BEFORE the basic class they registered for begins.

Sirius K9 Academy Basic Group Obedience Classes run 5 weeks in length and are located in (or on the border of) Yorba Linda at a private fully covered outdoor location (so they happen rain or shine!) The classes meet once per week on Sundays.

Our Basic Class is the most thorough Basic Class you will ever attend! You will learn more in our classes then you will anywhere else!

Please see "Our Tests" page to see video clips of each exercise your dog will learn in this class below!

Sirius K9 AcademyBasic Obedience Test and Certification

$300 total per dog for the 5-week long class  

Class Prerequisites:
Dogs must be a minimum of 4 months of age or older and have completed all DHPP (or DAPP) puppy series vaccinations to attend this class (which must have been administered by a veterinarian or vet tech - shots administered by someone who is not a vet tech or veterinarian will not be accepted, in order to protect your dog as well as the other dogs in class.) The Rabies vaccination is also required if your dog is 6 months of age or older (not required if under 6 months.)

**All information below must be received to complete your registration;

A. Handler & Dog Info
1. First and Last Name of those that will be handling the dog in class from your family that are 18 or older (include yourself if you will handling the dog also): You can put just you, if it will just be you.
2. Name and age of anyone under 18 that will be attending class: You can put "n/a" if you will not be bringing any children.
3. City you live in:
4. Contact Phone # and if its OK to text if needed:
5. Best email(s) for you (where we can send class homework and class details):
6. Dog's Name:
7. Dog's Age:
8. Dog's Sex:
9. Dog's Breed:
10. From where you got your dog (i.e. breeder, shelter, rescue, friend, craigslist, etc.):
11. How long you have had your dog:
12. Please list ALL current concerning dog behaviors you'd like to address with your dog (include any aggression / reactivity issues towards other dogs and/or people if present and describe in detail):
13. Your short and long term goals for you and your dog:
14. Which classs time you prefer (10am or Noon):

B. The full class fee ($300) submitted either via our website under "Make A Payment" (link on the lefthand side of our website), or using venmo or zelle (which we can send you a link to upon request.)

C. Your dog's current DHPP (or DAPP) vaccination records on your vet's letterhead (or Titer Tests) administered by your veterinarian sent via email by you or your vet (and Rabies certificate if 6 months or older.) Our email is info@siriusk9training.com

D. How you found us or who referred you to us (so we can thank them :)

** Once we receive everything above from you, you will receive a confirmation email from us letting you know that are registered for the class. You will also receive an email from us with class time options that are available at the time of your completed basic class registration. All of the class details, including class location, equipment needed, etc., will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the start of class via email.

This class is great for dogs that are at least 4 mo of age or older. Their is no age limit! It is especially beneficial for dogs between 4 months and 1 year. We have many dogs that start the class behaving aggressively towards other dogs or that are extremely timid / fearful / shy due to a lack of socialization or improper socialization, traumatic experiences, or just poor genetics, but by the end of the last class improve so dramatically that it is remarkable! (This happens in every class!)

If you are not sure where your dog fits in because you have done prior professional training with your dog elsewhere, please put your dog through our Basic Obedience Test as shown and described at a neutral outdoor location (away from the comforts of your home) to test your dog's obedience skills properly. If your dog can do all of the exercises without a correction or repeating of commands, then you may schedule an evaluation with us so that we can move you onto our Intermediate Group Obedience class. If your dog cannot pass our Basic test as specified, then you would start there.
Sirius K9 AcademyBasic Obedience Test and Certification

We recommend that dogs be at least 4 months old when starting this class and have completed all puppy DHPP vaccinations. If your dog is younger than 4 months old, we recommend that you sign up for our Puppy Class.

WE EDUCATE YOU on how to train your dog properly by using both positive and negative consequences together CORRECTLY! This is called BALANCED TRAINING! We encourage the use of tug toys and treats to motivate your dog and make it FUN! We have many references and get really great feedback about our classes!

Sirius K9 AcademyClick here for Basic Obedience Equipment List 

This class covers the following commands:

  • Informal heeling
  • (dog stays with you on a loose leash - no more pulling!)
  • Formal heeling
  • (dog stays at your left or right side all on its own - the dog's head is even with your legs. (Includes: left, right, and about turns)
  • Automatic sit
  • (the dog will automatically sit when you stop walking without being given a command to sit)
  • Sit / down / & sit from a down
  • (at your side and at the end of the leash in front of you in place)
  • Sit and down stay
  • (with distractions)
  • A "recess" command
  • (to reward and release your dog from obedience training)
  • Informal recall
  • (reinforces the dog's name for when it is off leash)
  • Formal recall
  • (the dog must come to you and sit directly in front of you from a minimum of 15')
  • Wait
  • (so the dog does not bolt out the door, crate, or gate, and waits to be given the command to eat, etc)
  • Common behavior issues
  • (such as digging, chewing, mouthing/biting, house/potty training, jumping, greeting skills/manners, body language, safety in public places when with your dog and how to protect/defend yourself from loose dogs, etc.)
  • And much much more!
  • This is MUCH more than just an obedience class!!!! YOU will learn a LOT!

    Invest in your dog's future!
    Sirius K9 Academy
      714-296-9714 | 951-272-1364 | Email: info@siriusk9training.com

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