


Equipment List


1. A backpack for all your gear.

2. A 5’ or 6’ nylon or leather leash.

3. A 15’ long line.

4. A training collar.

5. A nylon or leather buckle collar.

6. A reward / recess toy.

7. A water bowl

8. Potty bags.

9. A treat pouch / apron.

10 Treats.

11. Drinking water for yourself and your dog.

12. A safety coupler (Mandatory if you are using a pinch collar and have an aggressive dog.)

13. A wire, plastic, rubber, or leather basket-style muzzle. (Mandatory if you have an aggressive dog.)

14. Good solid shoes (athletic shoes). (No sandals, slipper style, or open-toe style shoes if you are handling the dog.)

15. A hat and/or sunglasses. (For daytime classes.)

16. A jacket. (For nighttime classes.)


Same items needed for Basic Obedience AND…

1. One 30’ long line.

2. Large tab (12" - 2')


Same items needed for Intermediate Obedience AND…

1. One 50’+ long line.

2. A remote collar (if you have one and know how to use it properly.


Same items needed for Basic Obedience


Same items needed for Advanced Obedience AND…

1. A strong 5’ - 6’ leather leash.

2. A second strong 5’- 6’ leather leash. (Ideally a different color then the leash above.)

3. An agitation collar and/or harness.

4. A small bright flash light.

5. A small light to attach to your dog’s regular collar or a glow in the dark / flashing collar. (To use during searches.)

6. Gloves – thin and comfortable. (For agitation work.)

7. Dog booties. (For searches.)

Invest in your dog's future!
Sirius K9 Academy
  714-296-9714 | 951-272-1364 | Email: info@siriusk9training.com

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